Thursday, December 17, 2009


Too see what I got up too in my last week in Oz,go check out out or alternative click this link

Let me know what you think.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Cant stop THE ROCK.

WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO is all I can say about our first week on the rock,been swell everyday,peachy conditions,good riding and good times.
The Saffa crew is strong for so early in the season and the guys im bumping elbows with in the packed lineups are Sacha Specker, Brandon Foster, Mark Watts, Charles Pass, Ryan Janssens and Wes Liquorish.
Life is good.

Here is a bit of action from the past few days.
Sixty40 will have a full write up soon,so you can catch all the dirt there.

Flipping Rocky lefts
Wattsy laying on the rail
Spex twisting
Charlie getting his scoop on arvo pipe
Keiki = free for all

Friday, December 4, 2009

That time of the year.

Going to Hawaii on monday,here are some snaps from the last week or so.
The wave pictured was pre sesh at a south coast bombie on tuesday,I can confirm you will get to see yours truly taking it on(the head haha,not really) in 2 different magazines in the next few weeks.
Good times all round.


The people supporting me in Hawaii this year,this may change by the end of the season who knows?

Snakes at work,I really enjoyed the last week I spent here,working with my best mate Josh and taking in the sweet surroundings.

BOEREWORS!first time the stuff has graced my lips since leaving SA in June.It could be comparable to you know what....

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Health and Prosperity.

Take me back 2 months and Im in Bali living a debaucherous no worries,free living,free drinking,free eating,free surfing lifestyle.
Take me back 2 months and im blowing sections left right and centre,not making waves,feeling weak,un-controlled and unfit.

Take me back to my first month in Australia, Joe Clark is all over the media and is blowing up,'what the heck?' , 'since when did he get so good?'

Take me back to late september, Riptide issue 172, Joe speaks of his new found steez and the reasons for it, a revelation of professionalism and healthy living,core strength and fluidity.
Take me back to now.

I've been extremely inspired of late,to be the best I can be and be in the best possible shape.
Eating well makes me feel good and gives me more energy,whilst excersizing and training is making me into the best bodyboarder I can be, and I think the proof of this is starting to show,just like Joe's did in the early stages, with my recent performance in QLD.

With Hawaii fast approaching and my routine gaining momentum, I am getting really excited as to what I will be able to accomplish this season.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I have been Idle with blogging for awhile,Il post some pictures and provide explanations for them and hopefully they will be like pieces in a puzzle and you will all get your froth on

Ok,so on the 6th of MOVEMBER,Glen Sullivan,Myles Bushel and yours truly packed the car and left the shire for the QLD,the sunshine state.The weather was absolutely terrible and at times I was actually a litle worried.
It was a good trip and we stopped off at the dunes factory for sully to get a snakeskin suit(sies) and then on too the Turbo Factoy in port Mac.We headed out at breakwall and man you can see just why Port has bred such amazing Bodyboarders,the wave is a skatepark.We finally rolled in to QLD at 11pm and I was swiftly whisked off to Surfers paradise for a fun night out before the comp started and things got serious.

This was the 2nd best heat I have ever surfed and I will never forget it,coming out the water to applause and camera's is something I have never experienced before and I really felt amazing,even if it sounds gay to admit,one of my greatest achievements for sure!

The contest site at Duranbah beach which is funnily enough technically in NSW,a super rampy and bowly wave and the water was suuuuper warm.
The event was sooo well organised with live scoring and brand expo's,I loved it and hope to see SABA reach these heights soon!
On the far side of that second breakwall is a wave known as end wedge which is where I spent most of my time free surfing,so fun!

Arriving home on sunday evening suuper late we saw we were in for a bit of swell,after two days of not quite days at the reefs and some biiiig beachy sessions,this was what greeted us at dawn on wednesday.Somewhere you wish you were.

This was easily one of the funnest sessions I have had in awhile,heavy Left barrels,Sully and Myself out,A photog and a videographer at our disposal,you couldnt get us down,barrel after barrel,BEATING after beating,all smiles!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Monster Support.

IAMMONSTER taking its place on my support list!

You know you want some!

If your frothing over it as much as I am,then SUPPORT the only 100% bodyboarding label in our beautiful country!
You can contact Matt at or head on over to!

Monster also has a blog! A pretty sweet one at that,you can find it at


Friday, October 23, 2009

Story Time.

The one that got away!

So around 2 weeks ago,my foot found a rusty nail at work and the rusty nail promptly found my bloodstream.
A few choice words later I have washed it out and applied some antiseptic.Job DONE.keep working.
Weekend rolls round and I discover a small bump on the top of my foot,'thats weird' I skeem but carry on my merry way,scoring some slabs and numerous airbowls.
Monday arrives and the bump now has a yellow tip and it looks gross,put the socks on,tie the laces and off to work I go.
Midday monday I notice the unpleasant appearance of a swollen gland in my groin.
the penny drops.
Check the wound site,completely clear.
Come end of shift and my condition has worsened dramatically,I cant really walk and am feeling pretty weak.
Arrive at medical centre,stained with paint and looking just like a labourer should after a hard days work.
not allowed.

3 hours later I find myself under the scrutinzing eye of the doctor who asks 'have you been at work?we will have to record that and apply for workers compensation'

'nope,dont work,sorry'

'but your covered in paint?what were you doing then?'

Too which I reply sheepishly 'I consider myself abit of an artist,rather embarrasing really.'

Meds aqquired,back at home in bed,deportation avoided.
Who knew art would come in so handy!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tease to please.

Im a cruel bastard and I wont show you what happens next,but it entails losing a fin,paddling back out around the reef and then a 300m paddle to shore through deep water.
By the time id plucked up the courage to take on a set the photog, guru Steve Jones had already started up the hill and managed to capture this guy from a distance.

Too put your mind at ease,nothing much happened, stock standard,drop,attempt to drive and BAM,one way ticket to the underworld.

Too get you frothing(maybe),im currently filming a resume with Rich Robson of and hopefully it turns out real sick,Rich has the skills to pay the bills (with a slight wandering eye) and is a damn good bloke so im stoked to be working with him!

Keep your eyes peeled and your ears open for more updates!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Here is a photo from a session that went down today,shot by guru photog Steve Jones.

Glen sullivan and I were the only ones out,not many waves were ridden,but the ones that were ridden,were quite something.
For sure the most imtimadated I have been in the ocean in a VERY long time.

Hope you enjoy looking at this beast,and expect to see some others pop up soon!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Yeah Baby!After weeks of working things out with owner Matt Kieser,I have officially joined the IAMMONSTER clothing team.
Pretty frothing over the line,which I should get in my grubby paws shortly,and even more so over the plans and future of this new and exciting 100% BB label.

Long live THE MONSTER.

ts official boys and girls, I AM MONSTER would like to publicly welcome Jared 'JERRY' Houston to the the already star studded team!
If you are not completely familiar with the name Jared Houston you have been living under a rock for a fair while.
Hailing from Tableview, a hotbed of bodyboarding talent, he has been on the scene for a couple years now, doing well in contests here and there, getting good shots. But it is probably within the last 2 years where Jerry has taken it to new heights, Literally!

The photos have started filtering through the net of the kid launching huge inverts and reverses at various spots, scooping into extremely heavy pits and just surfing damn good!

He had a stellar first season in Hawaii turning heads in the contest and in free surfs, and scoring his first sixty40 cover with a massive invert at OTW!! The travel bug had bitten and very soon after he was on his way to Australia, the only saffa in the Shark Island contest this year. Again turning heads with his aerial antics, huge backflips over the shallowest parts of the reef.
He is currently in Avalon, and the guys who 6 months ago were his idols are now the guys hooting from the channel as Jerry is getting spat out of some big oz slabs or launching into the stratosphere!

Jared is surfing unbelievably well at the moment, and his bodyboarding is improving with every surf!
He is the perfect addition to the monster team, good style in and out of the water, a cool guy with a big future!! watch this space..

Saturday, September 26, 2009

In verted memory of Chris Elliot.

So its that time of the year already, South Africa's best BB'ers have congregated on the west coast for the 2009 SA championships.
From what I have heard there is a swell on its way and there are gonna be some stellar performances going down.

This will be the first time I have not been present at SA's in 8 years, first representing WP at the tender age of 12 in the Groms division (which no longer exists) at the 2002 champs held in East London, I remember it being one of the best times of my life, bunking up with my heroes (now referred to as teammates) and just having an epic time competing and hanging at the beach for a week.

In 2007, there was a new Kid on the block, a 16 yr old Whizz kid who hailed from PE. Chris Elliot was his name and oh man was he something, he went from being that amped grom too a real contender in just a few months after uprooting to CT.
Chrizzle had arrived and he turned heads everywhere he went,from the clubs to the backline to 15 minute periods spent in a vest.
He RIPPED,with a fresh style and a good attitude,he was on his way to Bodyboarding superstardom with an impending SABA title,and an imminent trip to Hawaii on the cards, he was set.

2 weeks before the 2008 Wedge classic, an event that Chrizzle had been tipped to win, he was killed in a car accident,on his way to a night of good times with close mates.
The Bodyboarding community was devastated and so was everyone who knew him.
Too be honest I could not believe it,I tried calling him on the night,just to hear his voice but to no avail.

His mother,Jacquie, wasted no time in setting up a special award in his memory, an award that Chris himself would of taken home most years and that is the Invert of the year.
It is presented to the rider,at the SA champs awards ceremony,who in Jacquie's eyes has provided photographic evidence of them performing the most Chrizzle like invert of the year.

This year I submitted some images,and I hope that Chris gets some kind of stoke outta them.Miss you buddy.

Images removed at the request of the organisers,sorry if ya missed em.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Done and Dusted.

So Indo drew to a close and we flew our tired,cut up,surfed out and partied up bodies back to the homeland for most and the land of plenty for me.

Arriving in Darwin at 1am I became slightly worried when I noticed Pik being led into an interview room by a man in uniform,2 hours later I was still worried when he hadnt been released,3 hours later I was still worried while checking in my bags without him,4 hours later I am beside myself while taking off en route to Sydney with out him.

Arriving at Sydney at 1pm a swift phonecall is made, a famliar voice at the other end is a welcome relief until the words 'im getting deported' are uttered.

All that aside,Im gonna miss the fella tremendously, but I gotta concentrate on the tasks at hand.

A-to not become an emo sod following a split from my Girlfriend of 2.5 years.
B-to make enough money for Hawaii.
C-to keep my bodyboarding profile up.

So far funds are looking promising,although today I am off work with a sore throat and blocked Sinuses following the MAJOR dust storm that Sydney experienced yesterday.

Anyway,more news to follow shortly,in the meantime here is a photo of some sweet times...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Gone surfing.

Off to indo today.pretty crazy considering i was meant to b on my way home today,pretty stoked im not too b honest.anyway,thats not the point,point of this post is you can expect me to b pretty freaking slack with posts while im b working with a videographer to garner footage for limited editions new project,so hold thumbs i can pull it together and do some crazy shit.i am out.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Island Filth.

Mitch Pearson, the man with the plan has been kind enough to let me post this pic for your viewing pleasure

This was taken on the last east swell that graced Australia's shores with its presence about 2 weeks ago.

Best news yet is that the word of my new sponsor will drop next week sometime and I am super excited to work with this company as they are FRESH AS and the head designer and founder has some mad ideas!

Long live *********.
Thats all your getting from me right now.

Too see more of Mitch's epic work click on the link at the top of this post!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Big Changes.

After Much deliberation and speaking to all parties involved,I have decided to stay in Australia for the rest of 09.
I will go from here(Aus) to Hawaii,My season will end in march when I make my way back to Oz before flying home in April.
Wow,now that I right that down it really does sound long,but I reckon the rewards will far outweight the hardships, if I can nail a few more of these

and shoot myself to instant fame haha,then il be dying happy having lived a full life.

I wanna extend a Massive thanks to my sponsors Science and Limited Edition for all the help they have been giving me during my stay in AUS.

Next up-A Bali sojourn in order to garner myself another passport stamp!What an amazing legal obligation that is going to be,stay tuned..

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sneaky South times.

OK,for some reason blogger is not allowing me to upload images.
For some sweet shots of a sneaky coastal mission and a nice BIO on yours truly,take a swing past

The man has the skills to pay the bills and has got some pretty good stuff locked away on his hard drive that will hopefully surface soon via other media!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hawaii Issue drops.

Pretty frothing over my second cover (1st was with logic) and I reckon the issue is gonna be sick!Go out and Grab it!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Eye Candy.

I didnt land, waaaa waaaaa.

Il give ya a rundown of this day,wake up at 6,drive to a wave people get beaten up and killed over,its too north,drive to the island,its 6ft and building,eat 2 bacon and egg rolls,paddle out,sit for 2 hours,its now pretty large,catch my first wave and hit the bottom so hard that I think im dead,see stars,paddle back out,get told im blowing it by the photogs,get angry,paddle to the peak,get a massive foaming one that goes absolutely insane at surge,get the shot,paddle to the peak,take a small one,large flip,got the shot-evidently,paddle back,pick a medium one,invert at white rock(dry closeout section at S.I.),get the shot,paddle the photog in.We both agree I redeemed myself.Job Done boom.


I Finally have something for you guys to read,view and hopefully froth over.

Quick rundown on whats been going on since the last update.

Island Contest: The second round ran in clean,fun south swell conditions.I felt I surfed a decent heat,and that my surfing was fluid and enjoyable.
Come Presentation time,I (along with many guys) learnt the true meaning of consistency finishing a disspaointing 16th place overall.
Congrats to Ewan and A big thanks to all the sponsors and Mark Fordham for putting the event on after such initial drama's.

Cronulla: Arriving in Cronulla the night before the Island contest, Emerald surf City owner Des Govender generously albeit naively offered us a bed for the evening.We have been here ever since!
Our days consist of chilling,working some labouring jobs around the city and hanging out in the store.At this point I have gotta stress that Emerald is the sickest store I have ever been too,fully looking after a host of young bodyboarders in the area and providing a sick place to hang and soak up the vibe that is Bodyboarding.A massive thanks to Dessie,not only for letting us stay but also for all the support from the store!

Shark Island Cranks: After a week of small waves, Shark Island unleashed the beast on tuesday and wednesday this week and I was loving life.
Enjoy these images,courtesy of Tory Isles, the man behind and know that best angles are still to come in other media forms...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Promises promises.

I am PROMISING a sick post coming up soon.

If you care,im hanging out in cronulla and working,cruising and scoring pits.

Also, I have a new sponsor,but all will be revealed in due time.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Extension babayyyyyyyy!

Its confirmed, the 2009 Shark Island challenge waiting period which was scheduled to draw to a close on the 27th of July has been extended till the 9th of August in hopes of another swell to complete Round 2.

Im pretty stoked about this, my first round was a shocker and im pretty keen to get out there and prove to the rest of the guys why I am in the event.
Il be honest I had help securing a wildcard into the event, but the help I recieved was honest help too.
Mark Mccarthy played a big role, sending an email to the organisers backing me up, even touting me as 'the best rider coming out of South Africa at the moment' , while Im grateful for this huge compliment, I dont feel I am yet deserving of it. Thats not to say im not gonna try to live up to it.
My fins sponsor and co-sponsor of the event, Limited Edition fins also played a huge role in getting me into the event,cheers guys.

Basically, I wanna do well in the next round to achieve two things, firstly to prove to myself and too others that I deserve my international wildcard and secondly to thank the people who have helped me along the way.

There havent been any waves whatsoever here on the Northern beaches the past few days,which has been super frustrating but Jarret and myself have been keeping busy with walks into town,phoning around for work and surfing the terrible waves on offer, just because we wouldn't wanna be doing anything else!

This blog has been a bit boring of late and my apologies, as you can read not much has been going on.
What I can suggest is that you head on over to madman Cobus Bosmans Sheepalign ,its recently undergone so transformations and there is a hell of a lot to read and see on there.I think I have read it all around 4 times haha!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A small reminder.

Riding the bus today to Warringah mall at around 12:20 pm,completely zoned out and loving being cut off from the hustle and bustle of daily life around me,my attention was caught by a baby in his fathers arms.
After a quick glance around i soon realised that I wasnt the only one totally mesmerized by this miniature human learning seemingly simple things like sitting up straight,waving to strangers and folding and unfolding his hands.

Ten mins later and im still staring like a weirdo (albeit behind a pair of dark glasses) and I am completely awestruck by the complexcity of the task at hand for the childs father.He actually has to teach this small,illiterate creation how to live,how to go about things,how to go around things,HOW TO SURVIVE.i would be scared shitless.

It struck me how much my parents invested in me,when they were only a few years older than me,I entered their lives as a small illiterate creation and I literally became the task at hand for an entire chapter of their lives,while they first tended to my every need and then gradually began to expect things of me in return,wiping my own bum,tying my own shoes and in doing so,teaching me how to look after myself and how to survive and succeed as a human being.

Basically,I was reminded of how a) how amazing my parents are and b) to appreciate and look out for small things like the experience today that can actually teach you alot and bring you back down to earth from the crazy lives we sometimes lead.

So, THANK YOU mom and dad,and everyone else in between who taught me how to live and gave me the freedom to decide my own method of doing it.Im travelling and living my ultimate dream and im just really as happy as can be right now.

Keep your eyes open.

Monday, July 20, 2009


News about nothing.

1.Talks are underway for an extention of the 2009 SIC waiting period. This will be greatly beneficial to the poor sods such as myself who did not core in the first round.
2.We absolutely cleaned out the bins in Avalon last night, walking away with a glorious assortment of sweets.
3.Jarret Johnson has gone rogue and was last seen with a White Straw hat on heading in the direction of a piercing parlour.EAT YOUR HEART OUT.
4.we are poor, and in need of love and work,waves and airbowls,mona vale and free rides home.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bathroom talk.

annoymous text message recieved earlier.
Make of it what you want.

"haha dudeeeeeeee aus sounds ragged!Two years ago Margate.....A good week without the good ol'.Basically minding my on business and wham the door opens!Im like mother and there she is.Lucky I left the next day.haha enjoy.Keep it on the down.Peaceeee."

The sender wanted it kept low,i simply couldnt resist.Truth is I have had a simlar experience.But thats another story.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Water sucks,sometimes.

This is a photo from a session at an absolute skate park of a wave that il call bravegrom's.Its located on the NSW South Coast and I shared these waves with Max Arent,Chris Wilson and Photog Andrew Smythe, while Chris James and Will hodget filmed from shore.

Just a couple of blokes enjoying pits and ramps just a short while away from the Nuggan Freakfest we experienced earlier this day.

Anyway,been toying with this image for awhile now.I love it,the spray sucks though,but the wave doesnt.

There is another Photo from this session that hopefully will surface in the next fine BB publication.But il never show you that hahahaha.

Contest on hold today,its too small,time is running out fast so organisers are looking to the end of the week to run the final round, where I can hopefully unleash my own attack on the beast.

Eye candy.

The images above are from a surf I shared with Adam Luehman, Jarret Johnson and Alex Turoy at low tide SI a few minutes before the event commenced on monday the 13th of Jan.

This wave left me feeling pretty confident, only to find myself not able to link a wave in my heat.
Here is a short breakdown of Shark Island to give you an idea of how hard it is to link up a good one.

This particular day,the swell was of a straight east direction,which is basically straight onto the reef,because SI is a very uniformed(depth and general shape) reef most waves end up closing out,needing a bit more south to actually run down the reef and focus all its energy into the 'surge'.
Anyway, I picked up two waves that were probably the best of the heat,smallish on the peak with a good wall and bigger toward the surge,but unfortunately the first one bounced me and I lost a fin.The 2nd one, I totally misread and ended up being to greedy,wanting a barrel with an exit move.I ended up not getting either.I could of had full body air had i listened to my first instinct and smacked it at White Rock.

Lesson learnt,I grew as a rider from the experience and im looking forward to the next round where im looking to unleash my aerial assault wave depending.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Shark Island is ON.

Competitors are meeting at SI tommorow morning at 8am for a 9am start in the 2009 SIC brought to you by Nomad.

I am in the 3rd heat,coming up against Chris James,Dave Ballard, Brendon Ryan Mike Murphy.

The heats are all stacked and I think its really gonna be the next level,in the words of an SI local ' its gonna be f'ing heavy man' ,with waves in the 6-8ft range predicted,with an almost full east direction,which means alot of closeouts.Eish.

The live feed can be found on the Limited Edition website,which you can access from Riptide's web or Sixty40.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Black Rock shock.

23:17 Leave Griz's House for the bus stop.Fully keen.
23:48 get on a bus that does not even take me to central station,sydney.
00:10 arrive at some historical building in Sydney and proceed to the 'bus stop'.After missing a few busses due to my unsuperior waving skills, I skeem screw that and catch a cab at $8.85 for like a 2 min drive to the station.
00:12 Arrive at central station to find I have missed the last train south by 2 mins, accept defeat and take my place on the floor with the Hobo's.
00:33 get restless and take a walk around,discover some more platforms and a shaky beacon of hope in the form of a train to waterfall,which is in the general direction of black rock.
00:50 board the train not knowing where its going, i am all just about the vibe now.
01:06 lying on a sticky seat in a backcarriage,excited to see where the night takes me.
01:31 get woken by a train warden 'where ya going mate?' , 'down south' I reply. 'aww,you missed the last train then, you have about a 2 hour wait.'

Signal Mood Change.

01:36 seriously considering hitching to Kiama, should of stayed in Narra. WHAT AN IDIOT.
04:12 seeking refuge in the ladies toilet(only one here it seems)
from the cold here at waterfall station. I have been here since 1 thirty and gotten maybe 20 mins of sleep.I am so cold and waves are so far outside my though patterns right now!
04:28 Started hiking,it is so cold I actually cant describe it.Praying so hard that a non Psycho picks me up.Although at this rate im not picky.
05:32 Arrive at Kiama after my first warm experience of the night spent in a car from waterfall.

Ok this is where the Diary ends,but to give you some idea of what followed.

Walk 20 mins to Pik and Simon's Kiama Residence,wait one hour for them to get ready.Hike to Kiama station,wait one hour for the train,ride trasin for 20 mins to bomaderry,walk to princes highway from station(20 mins),hitch a ride to Jervis Bay turn off,jitch another ride to the main roundabout in Jervis bay(10 min Drive),Walk from main roundabout for roughly 1 1/2 hours,get picked up by a BB mom who informs us black rock is bad,2o min car ride to actual break.

The time is now 12:30

Saturday, July 4, 2009

As promised.

A taster shot from Nuggan on tuesday courtesy of Andrew Smythe, you can check his blog for some other cool stuff the cam Wizz.

Alrighty.update time babayy

First up,no photos just yet,but give me a few days.Might be able to post something real sick up here soon.

Back to the times.
Got picked up monday morning at sydney airport by none other than the man big Grizlarrrrrrrrrrr.Once in the car I realised I left my wallet in W.A. so it goes without saying that I should add Chris James to my 'sponsors' list.Thanks Brother.

Arrive at the Narrapad and plans are already underway for a coastal sojourn.The crew...Myself,Chris,Max Arent and Chris 'sweet dick willy' wilson.We were joined by Monkmonastery mastermind Will Hodget and Photog Andrew Smythe.

We surfed Nuggan and the wave really is something else,it wasnt all time,but it was sick none-the-less with every bigwig and their hairspray out there getting some.I had a few boosts, although I fell victim to the one trick pony with all the Air Fwd bowls going around.Maybe some framies to follow soon.
Had some good times down the coast,but the cherry on the top was defintly the Pole cam Fish eye shoot we did at a heavenly righthander just down the drag,followed by a MASSIVE mcd's chill.Saffa times revisted.

Thursday night is THE NIGHT at Mona Vale,a pub just north of Narrabeen and the boys were on it in full force and the times were sweet as!

Its saturday night and im in cronulla, as im writing Siomn Heale and Jarret Johnson are mentally preparing(yeah right they're watching megan fox on T.V.) for the SI trials which are going down tommorow morning starting 8am sydney times,which is midnight for all you saffa brother who ARE gonna be tuning into the live webcast to show the support.
Il keep you in the loop.

Thanks for all the love.

Friday, June 26, 2009


My time in Perth is drawing to a close.Im working both days this weekend,and then jetting off on monday morning at 1am to the east side where il be moving in with Chris James,and my trip will start moving in the direction I have been working towards.

The Photo is just a photo really, coz no-one reads blogs without photos.If your blind and cant see whats blatantly infront of you,then its my room.dressed in black.listening to music on my black iPOD and leaning on my black board.
An ode to my dark time in perth.

Nah,its not all that bad.
I've had good times with some of the WA posse, but im ready to head over east to chase MASSIVE PITS,STUPID PUNTS AND A WIN.

The island waiting period starts on the 7th of July and Ive never been as hungry as i am now.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Boney fish.

For your enjoyment.These were taken by my friend and photo fiend Alex Turoy.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Shark Island Clip.

I got a wave in this clip,pretty embarrasing next to all the sick Island footage,Il have to redeem myself in the contest, check it out here
For some reason I cant find out how to post vIdeos?Can anyone help me?


Check me out at the following links,first up My friend,team mate and aerial freakshow Adam Luehman gave me some props on his blog which you can check out at,I tried to put a link up,but for some reason its going nowhere.
He put a few shots up there too,which were taken by Caleb Bdjerfeldt,Damon Crawford and Sacha Specker respectively.Sorry about the credits boys.

Through the guru skills of my new friend DOC(dochlach of the riptide forum) I got grilled by him for the Rippies Forum,pretty sweet interview,I talk about some stuff that you definitly would not have heard before so go check it out here.You can also catch the link on sixty40,just click on the newsitem Houston we have an interview.

Leave me some love,contact me on the right,or just comment on this blog.
I need your love haha

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Prob not worth a last ditch effort from WA.

Just recieved the following message from a Victorian(the state in which Luna Park lies) local:


The last line pretty much sums it up.
Think il be staying back this weekend,saving money for better times.

Spoke to Griz today,he reckoned today was about 15ft out at Luna's and real messy,but apparently the day before was really good.

The Daily Grind.

Take a walk through my day with me.

The top of the downhill that takes me too the uphill which leads to the place of labour.
I cycle.

My baby(or daddy),this bad boy pumps out one cover for a solar heating panel every sixty seconds.

This here is a part of the mold,those arms are just there to hold the finished product in place,which I inturn yank off and take it too phase 2.

The punch,there is a 7cm round piece of plastic in the middle of the product that needs to get punched out,for some or other reason.This is the most animal punch I have ever set eyes on.


Stick and paste.I doctor the product in a professional manner on this desk,sealing all exits.

Waiting in line.assembled by pappa Jared.

So its not much,but its paying, and I actually kinda enjoy it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Is this what ive become?

Really questioning what the hell im actually doing in Australia at the moment?
I came here to further my bodyboarding career,but all thats been going down is me missing sessions and my hands earning a few more years.

This really stings when I see other bodyboarders my age, getting everything paid for and putting in minimal effort,or putting in worthy effort but only coz thats all they have too do.

Really fighting against becoming bitter as we speak.

So much going on inside my head,all for different reasons. Hawaii was so much easier,Australia is so big.

If all goes according to plan il be hopping on a plane friday st 1am and flying 4 hours to revel in gaping lefthand barrels and then fly 4 hours back on sunday to continue funding my dream.

The part in bold is the light in my tunnel so to speak.